By Diane Eisenman

There is nothing like taking a trip to a new environment to help you shift out of your old perspectives into a place of renewed appreciation for life. God is with us all the time, revealing the amazing secrets of the universe every moment of every day. But how often do you pause to listen and take in those magic moments?

In this journal, my journey to France and Switzerland becomes a template for seeing God’s presence everywhere, and recognizing the joy and surprise that each moment opens to my awareness. Join me on my travels, and begin to delight with me in the immense teachings of each and every experience presented in this amazing gift called life. Enjoy the richness and contrasts of our history and traditions, along with the sense of new self discovery as we climb to the mountaintop, or enter an ice cave to encounter its secrets.

You will find a world chock full of divine messages just waiting to be recognized by you. Look for the questions that stimulated my perspective in the forward of the book, and continue to ask them as you read along and enjoy the images.

Then take these same questions and begin asking them of your own journey, letting the questions lead you to a shifting perspective and new insights into your own life. Discover how to find answers to your important questions, gain fresh spiritual insights, and most importantly – recover your joy and appreciation for this specially created life meant just for you.

Only a limited number of copies are available at this price of $12.95, and only at this website, so order your copy now before the supply runs out. 

P.S. Discover the questions that will open your mind and heart to appreciate your own life’s journey. Behold the awesome life that you are truly living! Your story is the best-kept secret in all of Eternity. Let your radiance shine as you receive all of the love the world is holding out to you.

Order Your Copy of TRAVELING PARABLES for $12.95
Diane Eiseman

"As above, so below.  This book is about seeing the kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.  Diane’s simple observations reveal the wonder of Spirit active in this precious world. As her senses were opened, so too were mine.  I felt I was there with her on her journey, discovering a new appreciation for the imprint of the divine in my life.  Thank you for this gift!"

Scott Menne

New Prague, MN

Deborah Riva

"We may try to make sense of the world through the eyes of reason and understanding, or we may wonder how we can be of service in the world.  This book suggests that the answers are found as we begin to listen to our life experiences.  We search for a direct experience of God, or at least a direct message or two.   Or we look to be healed from whatever brings us suffering.  Diane has modeled for us, the readers, a way to receive our own messages from God through daily observations of Spirit revealing itself to us."

Gwen Hourihan

Pasadena, CA